Have you ever wondered if becoming a parent will change your adventures? Have you ever wondering what travelling the world would look like with kids? Meghan J. Ward wondered too, and she made it happen. She tells us all about it in her books, and today on the podcast! 


Meghan J. Ward is a writer, editor, digital content specialist and all-around storyteller based in Banff, Canada (Treaty 7 territory), and mama of two. An avid outdoor adventurer with a voracious appetite to understand her surroundings, she has established herself as a mountain historian and an authoritative voice in the Rockies outdoor and travel scene. She has authored four Canadian Rockies photo/travel books, which she collaborated on with her husband, Paul Zizka, a celebrated landscape photographer/ She is also the author of a children’s book, The Wonders That I Find, and a travelogue/memoir, Lights to Guide Me Home. 


Parenting during travel amplifies parenting. And in response to the “they won’t remember this” comments, babies remember in their bodies, in their cells, even if they cannot access the stories. 


Book Recommendation: Four Thousand Weeks: Time Management for Mortals by Oliver Burkeman 


Follow Meghan J. Ward: 

Website: https://www.meghanjoyward.com 

Books: https://www.meghanjoyward.com/books-1 

IG: @meghanjward 

Husband IG: @paulzizkaphoto  



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Today’s Host: @adriannaadventures & @laurenrodycheberle from @kidswhoexplore
Production: @kpmediaproductions. Music: @michaelferraro_music