Tighten Your Tinkler meets Kids Who Explore, because we all want to support postpartum women, so they can get back to doing all the things they love to do outside.  


Christina Walsh is a physical therapist and co-founder of Tighten Your Tinkler. She’s a New Orleans mama of two who lived with pelvic floor issues herself. She supports postpartum women holistically through prolapse, diastasis recti, and more. The program helps women solve pelvic floor issues without kegels or internal vaginal devices.  


Tighten Your Tinkler: 

Functional training from a need they experienced themselves 
You can do it at home with your children! 
Helps with incontinence, sleeping through the night without needing to pee, and painful sex 


When You Resume Activity Postpartum: 

Make sure you’re cleared by your providers 
If you’re having extra drainage, your body is asking you to slow down 
Pelvic floor pressure or heaviness, back pain, or leakage – tune back into your body, slow down, and work your way back into it more gently  


Why Kegels Aren’t Always the Answer: 

You’re only getting stronger in ONE position 
Can cause over tightening 
You don’t need the pelvic floor to be a conscious muscle 



Uneven terrain adds extra weight. When you ask more from your body, be gentle. You don’t have to live with discomfort, AND also, go slow! 


So much of pelvic floor function is linked to the nervous system. Fight or Flight response links to bladder – so, take yourself out of that stressed state.  


Immediately Postpartum: 

Listen to body 
Visit a Webster-certified chiro (adjust pubic joint) 
Avoid high impact activity while breastfeeding  
90/90 decompression technique!! Check link below  
Don’t push pee out  
Use Squatty Potty  
Get enough fibre and stay hydrated 
Go easy on your body! 
Build strength  


It’s never too late. Menopause can cause a shift of hormones as well, but they’ve seen success after people living with incontinence for over 28 years.  



Decompression Position (to relax back, hips, and pelvic floor):  https://www.tightenyourtinkler.com/backandhiprelief 

5-minute Root Cause Quiz: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/6C9SJ36 


Book Suggestion: 

Hunt Gather Parent by Michaeleen Doucleff 



Follow Tighten Your Tinkler: 

Website: www.tightenyourtinkler.com 

IG: @tighten.your.tinkler 

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@tightenyourtinkler 




Discount Code LAUREN gets you $50 off 


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Today’s Host: @adriannaadventures & @laurenrodycheberle from @kidswhoexplore
Production: @kpmediaproductions. Music: @michaelferraro_music