By now, our kids know that they need to stay home, to socially distance themselves and to practice good personal hygiene habits.  

In the previous episode, they heard about why this is so important and how our hospitals are getting overwhelmed with Coronavirus patients.

Kids are home from school and there is a lot of stress and frustration around this with jobs, schoolwork and many unique situations for every family.  It’s a very confusing time for our kids.

In this episode I talk about different work scenarios that some parents are currently facing and some challenges being faced including loss of earnings and frustrating situations.  

I know there are many other work/parenting scenarios, but these are the 3 that I’m able to briefly cover in this episode.

Essential workers leaving the house for work.Parents working from home.Parents who have lost their jobs.

Please keep in mind that during this global crisis, things are changing on a daily basis. 

Restrictions and social distancing measures will differ depending on your location and the time of listening to this episode.  

Use the examples in this episode to have conversations about how things have changed and what is happening at the moment. 

Click here for Bonus Episode 2's blog post & suggested follow up activities.

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