In this months episode Andy Kirk goes through Transformative Thinking and the need to be in control of what you think. There is so much power in thought and this will help you greatly.

Check us out!


Show Notes:

Our mental processes operate on a fascinating ratio: 80% subconscious and 20% conscious. While this intricate dance between the conscious and subconscious realms shapes our thoughts, it is the 80% submerged beneath the surface that guides our words and actions.

"We act in accordance with what resonates in our internal dialogue."

Proverbs says - "As a man thinks in his heart (subconscious), so is he."
This word Heart in Hebrew is 

+ Levav means
-Seat of thought- (Where your thoughts originate)
-Intention- (When we say "That guy has a good heart")
-Feeling- (Where your emotions originate from)

-Seat of thought- (Where your thoughts originate)
Intention- (When we say "That guy has a good heart")
- Feeling- (Where your emotions originate from)
One of the biggest illustrations of this was when 12 spies returned in the book of Numbers and used a phrase “We are like grasshoppers in our own mind”…..

Remarkably, the conversation within ourselves is four times more rapid than external dialogue—an inner symphony shaping our responses and steering our actions.
Jesus, a master communicator, faced opposition not from what he directly spoke, but from the interpretations woven around his words- Essentially what people said to themselves about what He said
This profound insight illuminates the power of perception and the pivotal role it plays in shaping beliefs and attitudes.
For those of us aspiring to foster a transformed community, the key lies in transformative thinking.

In a recent OneHope study named Global Youth Culture, a compelling revelation emerged: Teens who engaged with the Bible just once a week witnessed a remarkable decrease in anxiety, depression, and confusion in identity.

This underscores the profound impact of the Word of God on the well-being of individuals.

Within the framework of a biblical worldview, Christian leaders are bestowed with a distinctive opportunity to shape the subconscious minds of those under their guidance.
Grounding teachings in the timeless Word of God, a concept articulated as "living and active" in Hebrews 4:12, is not merely a religious tradition but a potent strategy for delving into the depths of the heart and mind.

This connection to Scripture is a powerful avenue, resonating within the 80% subconscious thinking of the audience.

It goes beyond words spoken, tapping into the transformative potential inherent in God's truth. As the psalmist declares, "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path" (Psalm 119:105), affirming the guiding and illuminating power of God's Word in our lives.

Through its living and active nature, it not only reduces anxiety, depression, and confusion but becomes the guiding force that shapes the very fabric of our subconscious minds.
In the words of St. Augustine, "Thou hast made us for Thyself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in Thee."
In the Word, we find both rest and transformation—a testament to the enduring power of God's truth.