Today’s Brains in Toyland segment gives parents great tools to help manage challenging behavior in young children 

Our guest is Dr. Ingrid Crowther, an expert in early childhood and middle year’s education.

Dr. Crowther appeared on our program last month talking about Effective Positive Guidance with children. That show suggested positive communication strategies parents could use with children at difference stages of communication development from birth to five years of age.

We are excited to have Dr. Crowther back with us to expand on this topic of using the right communication tools help guide children to appropriate and successful behavioral interactions. 

For more infomation on Dr. Crowther, you can go to or use the following: Website Email Free News Letter

She also suggests the following resources: Erikson's Stages of Development |

 Attachment Theories | Winning Ways to Talk with Young Children | 

We'll post more of her suggestions on 


Dr. T and the Kids AtoZ Team