Ian and Sujewa welcome writer/director Tim Lightell to discuss his outrageous indie film, Manbaby!

Sal (Asa Fager) is a stand-up comedian whose stage gimmick is dressing like an overgrown baby. His wife, Dana (Sidney Jayne Hunt), is a research scientist who specializes in hormones. The two can't agree on whether or not to have kids--so Sal hatches a plot to bring out Deanna's maternal instincts by making her believe he's regressed to infancy. From here, Manbaby gets weird...

In today's episode, Tim talks about the surprising origins of the "Manbaby" character; his decade-long journey to complete the film; and the upcoming 4/20 screening at Brooklyn's Film Noir Cinema.

Plus: Sujewa talks about Cosmic Disco Detective Rene's newfound success on YouTube, and Ian (reluctantly) shares his thoughts on Manbaby!

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Show Links

Watch the Manbaby trailer.

Get tickets for Film Noir Cinema's 4/20 Manbaby screening (with Tim and Sujewa in person!):

Follow Manbaby on X.

Can't make it to New York? Watch Manbaby at home on:



Check out Tim's Grampaw Universe YouTube series.

Watch Sujewa's latest film, Cosmic Disco Detective Rene for free on YouTube!

Rent The Secret Society for Slow Romance (the predecessor to Cosmic Disco Detective Rene).

Keep up with all of Sujewa's projects.

Follow Sujewa on X.

Rent Cosmic Disco Detective Rene on Vimeo!

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