Bust out your stillsuits and windtraps, 'cause Earth's Mightiest Critics are about to review Dune Part 2!

The first half of Denis Villeneuve's adaptation of Frank Herbert's ground-breaking sci-fi novel didn't exactly set the box office on fire. From pandemic woes to glacial pacing, audiences didn't show up in numbers that would suggest a follow-up movie was even on the table. But here we are, a few years later, about to analyze one of 2024's biggest hits!

Picking up directly where we left them, Paul Atreides (Timothee Chalamet) and his mother, Jessica (Rebecca Ferguson) are on the run from House Harkonnen--who presume the entire Atreides line had been extinguished at the end of part one. They've joined forces with the desert-dwelling fremen, who dream of overthrowing the grotesque and ruthless space colonizers, with the help of a prophesized messiah--Paul!

What follows is a very different moviegoing experience from PART 1, and in this lively conversation, the EMC get into the hits and misses of Villeneuve's adaptation--as well as what may be in store with the rumored third installment!

Plus! Watch Ian do his best to restrain himself in NOT throwing David Lynch's 1984 version even further under the bus!

Double-Plus! We take your LIVE questions, comments, and Super Chats!

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Watch the Dune Part 2 trailer.

Revisit our "Page2Screen2Screen2Screen" review of Dune from 2021.

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