"Accademia Giallo" kicks off 2023 with a look at Four Flies on Grey Velvet!

In Dario Argento's 1971 thriller, a musician is stalked by an unknown homicidal maniac, who blackmails him for the accidental killing of another stalker. Ian, AC, Bryan, and Blake break down the characters and low-key carnage of this unique thriller whose final moments almost lead to an episode of their own!

"Accademia Giallo" is Kicking the Seat's monthly deep dive into Italian Horror's "giallo" sub-genre.

Show Links

Watch the Four Flies on Grey Velvet trailer.

Support all of our terrifying teachers' axe-tracurricular activities!

Stay studious with Aaron Christensen at Horror101 with Dr. AC!

Plus: Read his Blu-ray review of Four Flies on Grey Velvet!

If you dare, venture down into Kitley's Krypt with Jon Kitley!

And listen to Jon's scary-good podcast, Discover the Horror!

Get devious with Bryan Martinez's Film Deviant podcast!

And check out his YouTube show, The Giallo Room!

Buy J. Blake Fichera's "Scored to Death" Volume I and II on Amazon (mentioned in the show).

And catch up with classic episodes of his Saturday Night Movie Sleepovers podcast!

Continue your education with our "Accademia Giallo" Playlist!

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