Ian and Cole take a break from murder, porn, and monsters (it's been a very heavy year for "Late Screening" and "Page2Screen") to focus on some wholesome family fun...1987-style!

Chris Columbus' Adventures in Babysitting turned 35 this year, and the guys look back on one of the weirdest romps of the 1980s--complete with late-night fine dining, altruistic gearheads, and an alternate-reality Chicago where the two biggest brands in the city are Playboy Magazine and The Mighty Thor!

Watch as the guys celebrate the cringe and creativity of this film about a group of Oak Park squares who find themselves on the run from chop-shop gangsters, all the while learning to accept different kinds of people and awakening their inner badasses.

Plus: Ian shares his bizarre childhood connection with this movie and Less Than Zero; blows Cole's mind with a character revelation; and nearly faints when hearing about the ultra-family-friendly version of the film now playing on Disney+!

Show Links:

Watch the Adventures in Babysitting trailer.

Read Cole's literary criticism at The Quill to Live.

And follow his writing at:



Plus: Watch Ian's round table interview with the cast of Home (including Kathy Bates!):

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