Ian welcomes back Mike Crowley of You'll Probably Agree for a look at two Paul Verhoeven films celebrating anniversaries this year: Robocop turns 35, and Basic Instinct crosses the 3-decade mark.

One is a bizarre cop drama in which a reanimated corpse gets in way over his head; the other is Robocop. The guys talk about the weird, child-friendly legacy of Robocop's hard-R dystopian satire; and marvel at the pre-internet-porn sensation of Sharon Stone's star turn in Basic Instinct.

Also, does Michael Douglas play the dumbest cop in cinema history?

Like Peter Weller's cyber-enhanced agent of the law, this episode is part genuine analysis, part gentle ribbing--all in good fun!

Show Links:

Watch the Robocop (1987) trailer.

Watch the Basic Instinct trailer.

Keep up with all of Mike Crowley's goings-on at You'll Probably Agree and 25YL.

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