Ian talks with director Rob Christopher, whose new documentary Roy’s World: Barry Gifford’s Chicago will have its Windy City premiere this Saturday at the Chicago Critics Film Festival!

Roy’s World follows the early life of writer Barry Gifford, whose prose and poetry have been influential for decades, inspiring films such as Wild At Heart and Lost Highway (in collaboration with David Lynch). Gifford spent his formative years in Chicago, and through montage, pristine vintage footage, and animation, Christopher paints vivid pictures of how the "tough" city forged a bold, literary heart.

Rob Christopher talks about the film's unconventional genesis; his collaboration with friend/colleague/Chicago indie-film magnate Michael Glover Smith; how he landed a trio of brilliant narrators in Lili Taylor, Willem Dafoe, and Matt Dillon; and what Gifford's work means to him, personally.

You'll also learn more about Saturday's very special screening, which will be a full-blown event within the Chicago Critics Film Festival!

Show Links:

Watch the Roy’s World: Barry Gifford’s Chicago trailer.

Purchase tickets to the Chicago Critics Film Festival.

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