Like sand through the hourglass, these are the days of our lives...reading and watching lots and lots of Dune!

“Page2Screen” returns with our biggest episode yet, wherein Ian and Cole compare and contrast Frank Herbert's seminal 1965 fantasy novel, David Lynch's 1984 adaptation, Denis Villeneuve's recently released telling, and the 2013 documentary Jodorowsky’s Dune, which details the collapse of a wildly ambitious (and oddly influential) early-70s big-screen attempt!

The guys delve into what makes Herbert's work so immersive; why it's been a tricky property to translate from static words to motion pictures; and how each cinematic interpretation brings something wonderful to the table--in wildly varying degrees.

Show Links:

Watch the Dune (2021) trailer.

Watch the Dune (1984) trailer.

Watch the Jodorowsky’s Dune trailer.

Keep up with all of Cole's literary criticism at The Quill to Live.

Check out Cole's TikTok channel, BookRush.

And if you're looking for a sand-blast from the past, watch Ian talk about David Lynch's Dune with Sujewa Ekanayake and Mike Crowley on this 2020 episode of "The Slowdown".

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