Ian and AC continue to run over potholes on their Return to Hammerland, and this month's is one of the deepest!

In Jimmy Sangster's 1971 middle chapter of the "Karnstein trilogy", Lust for a Vampire, a traveling writer discovers a school for young women hidden near an abandoned castle. He soon comes face to face with a beautiful (and very hungry) vampiress who's using the grounds as a snack bar.

In this spoilerific review, the guys boggle at this ham-handed entry--which makes them appreciate the bookend films (The Vampire Lovers and Twins of Evil) even more, and also accentuates some shortcomings that hadn't bothered them as much before (day-walking vampires).

Don't worry: There are some things to love in Lust for a Vampire--like Hammer MVP Ralph Bates!

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Show Links

Watch the Lust for a Vampire (1971) trailer.

Read AC's written review of Lust for a Vampire at Horror 101 with Dr. AC.

In case you missed them, watch Ian and AC's reviews of the first and third Karnstein films:

The Vampire Lovers (1970)

Twins of Evil (1971)

Order AC's books on essential and obscure horror movies, Horror 101 and Hidden Horror!

Subscribe to AC's YouTube channel, Horror 101 with Dr. AC.

It’s not too late to catch up with our 2023 trip “Beyond Hammerland”!

Check out 2022's year-long journey, "Son of Hammerland"!

And watch the series that started it all: "Hammerland"!