With nothing new of note in theaters this week, and a cacophony of doomsayers predicting the death of cinema (again), it's time for Earth's Mightiest Critics to assess the landscape and offer some hope--tentative as it may be--for our beloved art form.

Join us for a round table discussion about the current state of blockbusters, indies, movie theaters, and streaming services--and our best guesses for the future.

We also take your questions, comments, and SuperChats!

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As a launching point, we look at Matt Zoller Seitz's recent piece for rogerebert.com, in which he proposes ways to get people back to the movies.

And catch up with some of our earlier takes on this subject:

Looking at 2020's blockbuster slate and their streaming prospects.

And the quaint little time capsule that was "Inbreak", where the panel talked about their favorite movies to watch during a pandemic (which, at the time, was limited to "2 weeks to slow the spread")!

Support all of Earth's Mightiest Critics at their various outlets:

Check out Mark "The Movie Man" Krawczyk's The Spoiler Room Podcast.

Keep up with Jeff York's criticism and caricatures at The Establishing Shot.

Get seated with The Blonde in Front!

Follow David Fowlie's film criticism at Keeping It Reel.

Get educated with Don Shanahan at Every Movie Has a Lesson

...And Film Obsessive

...and the Cinephile Hissy Fit Podcast.

Make Nice with Mike Crowley of You'll Probably Agree.

Keep up with Annie Banks at Chuck Load of Comics.

...and Movieweb

And stir things up with Will Johnson of the Cinephile Hissy Fit Podcast.