In this howlin' good episode, Vanessa challenges Elijah to find the perfect martial arts pairing for what is almost definitely the best werewolf New Year's movie, The Wolf Of Snow Hollow. After firmly establishing that Officer John Marshall is not a great guy, Elijah counters with another tale of a small town in the throes of lycanthrope violence, Brotherhood Of The Wolf. But how much does this French period piece really have in common with The Wolf Of Snow Hollow? What are the werewolves metaphors for? And which actor made Vamessa turn into a (horny cartoon) wolf herself? Find the answers to all of these questions and more in this week’s double-feature discussion!  

The official snack pairing of The Wolf Of Snow Hollow and Brotherhood Of The Wolf is Moon Pies and jerky.  

This episode was brought to you by The Committee For Better Werewolf Martial Arts Films.


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