In their first episode after bringing Guest Month to a close, hosts Vanessa and Elijah must re-learn how to have a conversation with each other. Elijah finally rises to the challenge Vanessa issued to him way back in episode 2: Find a horror movie to pair with Rumble in the Bronx. He picks that other East Coast classic, Vampire in Brooklyn.  It’s one of Vanessa’s favorites, but is “New York” a strong enough connection for these two to make for a great double-feature? Which movie has the better final fight? Can Vanessa and Elijah remember how to host without a guest? Answers to all of these questions, plus comments from listeners like you, in this week’s double-feature discussion!  

The official movie snack pick of Rumble in the Bronx and Vampire in Brooklyn is big pizza with rare steak.  

This episode was brought to you by Arby’s.

Produced by: Sam Varella, Vanessa Guerrero, and Elijah Taylor

Music by: Travis Clark

Art by: Joe Oliver


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