This episode opens with a Karate-based bluff that backfires almost immediately when this week’s special guest, Anna Valenzuela, reveals herself to actually be a skilled Karateka. After making it clear that she could kill them both if she so chose, Anna challenges hosts Vanessa and Elijah to find the perfect horror pairing to the Jackie Chan classic Police Story. Their selection of Maniac Cop proves once and for all that, while they may not be Karate masters, they are masters of the extremely niche skill of picking a horror movie that complements a martial arts movie pretty well.  Is this the most obvious Kicking and Screaming pairing to date? Which film has the most terrifying stunts? And which of these two terrible cops is worse? Find out in this week’s double-feature discussion!  

The official movie snack pick of Police Story and Maniac Cop is donuts and a fistful of cold, greasy bacon.  

This episode was brought to you by crime.

Produced by: Sam Varella, Vanessa Guerrero, and Elijah Taylor

Music by: Travis Clark

Art by: Joe Oliver


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