In the main part Peter and Stefan Suwelack discusses the data centric AI approach which is also often featured by Andrew Ng. Stefan explains us, why this approach helps industrial companies and describes some use cases.

We thank our new partner [Siemens ](

Amazon Dataset [more](

LeCun and Andrew Ng [more](

Geoffrey Hinton interview [more](

The Risk Classification Database [more ](

Our guest: [Dr. Stefan Suwelack ](

Peter Seeberg met Stefan Suwelack from Renumics at the Festo IO conference and talked with him about data quality, more robustness and their data centric AI approach.

The podcast is growing and we want to keep growing. That's why our German-language podcast is now available in English. We are happy about new listeners.

We thank our new partner Siemens

Amazon Dataset more

LeCun and Andrew Ng more

Geoffrey Hinton interview more

The Risk Classification Database more

Our guest: Dr. Stefan Suwelack