Robert Weber met Danny at Harting's IoT Week. A discussion quickly broke out about the future of European start-ups in the field of industrial AI. Unfortunately, the conversation was not recorded. That's why we tried again and arranged a recording date. We talked about AI models, data, use cases and the role of AWS.

Thanks for listening. We welcome suggestions for topics, criticism and a few stars on Apple, Spotify and Co.

We thank our partner **SIEMENS**

Our guest [Danny Smith ](

Our guest is Danny Smith. He is a Principal Strategist at AWS and looks with us at the industry's strategy when it comes to AI.

Thanks for listening. We welcome suggestions for topics, criticism and a few stars on Apple, Spotify and Co.

We thank our partner SIEMENS

Our guest Danny Smith

machinelearning #ai #aimodel #industrialautomation #manufacturing #automation #genai #datascience #mlops #llm #IndustrialAI #artificialintelligence