In this podcast, I'm honoured to be interviewing the one and only Adam Khoo. Adam Khoo is Asia's #1 Peak Performance Trainer and has influenced millions of people around the world.

I've been following Adam Khoo for many years. I first came across his blog and was hooked with the content. Later I bought nearly all his books and read them all.

Adam Khoo wrote books such as "Secrets of Self Made Millionaires", "Secrets of Building Multi Million Dollar Businesses" and "Design your Destiny" and much more.

I still use the concepts in his books today and have generated massive results from it.

In this podcast, Adam Khoo will share with you his key secrets in building a successful business and we get a glimpse of his busy life. He's had much experience in investing in stocks, business, public speaking, building empires around Asia and much more.

Check out Adam Khoo's works by visiting :

Stay Strong and Be Relentless.