With graduation season is upon us, today’s edition of How on Earth is the first of a two-part annual “Graduation Special”. Our guests in the studio today are scientists who will receive their Ph.D. in a STEM-related field.  They talk about their thesis research, their grad school experiences, and what they have planned next. Oliver Paine … Continue reading "2018 Graduation Special (part 1)"

With graduation season is upon us, today’s edition of How on Earth is the first of a two-part annual “Graduation Special”. Our guests in the studio today are scientists who will receive their Ph.D. in a STEM-related field.  They talk about their thesis research, their grad school experiences, and what they have planned next.

Oliver Paine – CU Boulder, Department of Anthropology

Topic: Exploring C4 Plant Foods: The Nutritional and Mechanical Properties of African Savanna Vegetation


Diba Mani – CU Boulder, Department of Integrative Physiology

Topic: Adjustments in Motor Unit Activity and Mobility Induced by Electrical Nerve Stimulation in Young and Older Adults


John Nardini – CU Boulder, Department of Applied Mathematics

Topic: Partial Differential Equation Models of Collective Migration during Wound Healing


Host / Producer / Engineer : Joel Parker

Listen to the show: