If you're not selling online, then chances are your online presence (like your web site) isn't set up to transform your prospects into customers. You will learn what it takes to actually SUCCEED online! Join us for an information filled show with our guest, Michele PW (Michele Pariza Wacek) Your $Ka-Ching!$ Marketing Strategist, has a reputation for crafting copy and creating online and offline marketing campaigns that get results.
Michele, supports my mentor Lisa Sasevich's marketing campaigns for upcoming programs or products. So Michele, is the oracle of what works in your copy! Come and listen as she shares... * How you can start positioning yourself as THE go-to expert in your industry * How not to sound 'sale-sy' * How to become a magnet for ATTRACTING your ideal customers while at the same time REPELLING those clients who you really don't want to work with. And lots more. Join us on 347-945 6963 or listen via the web on http://budurl.com/CopyMichele Don't forget to chat and share your questions in the chatroom. And if you make the show LIVE, there are prizes to be won!