Our guest Melinda Cohan, co-founder of the Coaches Console, has a proven Business Success Formula sharing business strategies to create a solid business foundation with Spirit!

(this show is for all soul-o-preneurs not just coaches! ;)

On this call show Melinda discusses:
• The critical Business Success Formula to follow for more clients, better income and a roadmap for success
• Hurdles that you will encounter as a business owner and the strategies to overcome them
• Specific elements of your business that contribute most to your success and how to ensure they are integrated into your business
• Specific actions you can take to provide consistent results in your business

• You will also discover how the 5 systems are key to unleashing your spirit in business
• You will understand how the systems in your business allow you to operate more in your zone of genius and doing work you are passionate about!

As you can tell its going to be an interview packed with valuable information!
To find out more about Melinda Cohan and the Coaches Console go to http://www.coachesconsole.com/cmd.php?af=1024169

Remember, to find us at 7pm EST for the LIVE show at http://blogtalkradio.com/keystoclarity You can go to that link now to create a reminder (just look at the top right of page) Make the show a favorite if you enjoy our content! :) And you can also listen by calling in on 347-945 6963