Meet 3 Teleseminar /Expert Interviewers titans in our coaching, healing and transformation industry, who are going to have a juicy discussion right here with us!  Adela Rubio, Kim Clausen and Ellen Britt, join us to share their tips, tricks and wisdom that keep participants engaged on teleseminars.  A very important discussion in this day and age.
We live in a world of information overload, multi-tasking, and overwhelm.  Its no surprise that when conducting teleseminars or teleclasses or webinars, that we need to be engaging our participants more pro-actively than ever. If we don't we're in danger of business failure if you have taken on teleseminars as a way to grow your business by growing your email list, filling your programs as well as share your important message and help more people!  For many of us teleclasses is one of the most powerful strategies to do this  And if you haven't twigged on it yet, yes teleseminars is a powerful business building strategy.  And yet we are facing some unique challenges...
So how can we keep our participants engaged and keep teleseminars a number one way to communicate in a world full of noise? We don't want our teleclasses to be the noise but rather the focus of our followers' attention!  Ellen Britt, Adela Rubio and Kim Clausen will share their insights and a world of knowledge, being leaders in running teleseminars as a powerful business model, on how to keep our tribe engaged.
For this particular juicy panel discussion, each of the guests, has offered an unique and valuable gift, which you can collect by going to  They are super generous gifts, so make sure to get them.
Feel free to send in any questions you would like this panel to answer bye email [email protected] with Teleseminar in the title.  Or call in to the show and ask your question!