Our special guest is Felicia Slattery.  She just authored a fabulous book called Kill the Elevator Pitch: Stop Selling, Start Connecting.  I can’t wait for us to explore what that means on this episode...

It’s almost like the definition of insanity. We’re all taught that we need an “elevator speech” just as much as we need a business card, a website, and air to breathe in order to be successful. But the crazy part is NO ONE likes to give those canned elevator speeches and NO ONE likes to hear them because they’re usually full of blah, blah, blah meaningless marketing drivel and feel very contrived and yucky.

More importantly, evidence proves even the most well-crafted and best-delivered elevator speeches don’t work to bring in new business. And they completely fall flat on establishing a new business relationship.  

Come and find out what to do instead. It has something to do with… not selling, but connecting.  

During this interview Felicia is sharing:

• The 3 main reasons why the “elevator speech” doesn’t work anymore for business (if it ever did!).

• If not an “elevator speech” what exactly you can say when someone asks you what you do so you can naturally participate in a conversation and honor the other person as an actual human being (gasp! Yes you can!).

• The only 5 words you need to remember to never have to hear another elevator speech ever again, short-cut the relationship-building, and get to the know-like-and-trust part right away – without sounding canned or unnatural.

If you have any questions you'd like to ask, send them into [email protected] ahead of the show.  

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