Meet C.J. Savage, MA Psych IACT, known as the Hypnosis Queen. C.J. will talk about how Hypnotherapy is an amazing tool to help with guided meditation, relaxation, healing, and dealing with different fears and phobias. Get the low-down about how this tool could be used in conjunction with your own business, or how you might benefit personally from experiencing hypnotherapy. (I personally have used it to deal with fear of public speaking - was awesome! and also to prepare for successful IVF) It has many functions! C.J. will also discuss past life regression therapy which she does with her client.
She will talk about how this has also been part of a spiritual journey for her and her clients. Join us, and come armed with your questions & comments! We got to cover only part of the amazing info, so we will schedule a follow up show with C.J. very shortly. Keep an eye out to see when that will be!