The Power of Women United is a stunning presentation of the hard lessons learned by women who have met the challenges of life and succeeded. Each chapter is authored by a woman who has traveled her own road and overcome unique struggles in her quest to live a fulfilled and satisfying life. In their own words these women project the emotional strength and wisdom they have gained, and shine as beacons of light for those women searching for answers and their own truth.
Meet co-author of The Power of Women, Linda Cattelan! Linda is an Executive Coach, Trainer, Speaker, and now published author! Linda Cattelan, is one of a group of professional and pioneering women, who have contributed to the book, Power of Women United. Linda, who is president of Results Catalyst Inc, focuses on coaching and training corporate teams to success - she is a trainer/practitioner of NLP and certified CTI coach, has an MBA and is an ACC. The Power of Women United explores the triumphs and tragedies of twenty-two amazing women who each forged their own path to success. Linda Cattelan, Joanne Ferns and Corey McCusker, co-authors of this tremendous book, will be joining us to share their empowering work and life experiences! Join us to share in the joy and gifts shared by these amazing women.
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