We have the priviledge of meeting a man who has transcended so much challenge and heartache in his life, and is willing to share his discoveries with us. Richard Schooping, author of 'From Suffering to Soaring - Through God I Transcended Aids' and so much more...he is truly a mentor and a teacher to those of us who still have a long way to go when it comes to forgiveness - of ourselves, our loved ones, and institutions that we feel have wronged. This issue of forgiveness, is a huge one for me - a big turning point in my life that allowed me to have 5 amazing years of love, closeness and friendship with my mother that I would never have had had I not discovered a way... Come and listen and grow in a way you would never have expected. Now is the time to choose. Do I want to stay a victim, or do I want to move forward in my life? And invite anyone you know who might be ready to hear Richard's wisdom.