Dublin born Michael D’Alton, Director of the School of Bio-Energy Healing asks...

Are you suffering from arthritis, asthma, back pain, IBS, low energy, migraine or stress? These are all symptoms of blocked energy! Your body consists of energy and when your energy flows freely you’re healthy. Sometimes the blocked energy in your body is too ‘stuck’ to shift by itself. As Bio-Energy Practitioners, we understand that your body has an amazing ability to heal itself. Using only natural Bio-Energy Healing techniques, we identify blocks in the energy field and effectively remove them, creating the space for your natural energy to flow freely. Michael’s school trains people to practice this powerful healing modality, now based in North America. The beauty of these techniques, is that they can be applied no matter what healing modality you're in! A wonderful compliment to your growing business. Michael will share how to utilise these for yourself. He will also share his success with his practice, what has worked for him in growing his business and what has not! Some great tips will covered!

Michael has practiced and taught Bio-Energy Healing for over 16 years in Ireland and the UK and his accomplishments have been seen on numerous TV and other media interviews. Michael was recently featured on ‘Remedy me!’ an astounding documentary series on the success of alternative therapies, which aired on the W. Network. Michael now resides in Vancouver, B.C.

Join us to in the chatroom to ask questions or call in on 347-945 6369 to listen or ask questions!