As a professional, your clients assume you're competent. But how can you become the "go-to" person they will seek out and choose first? The difference is in how you build a community around your message and your vision.

Building a community is more than just the number of followers you have on Twitter or the number of Fans on Facebook, and it is more than mastering Social Media. Building your tribe is about engaging them in conversation and urging them to take action. The larger and more engaged your tribe becomes, the stronger your credibility.

Community-building does not require massive marketing budgets or exotic tricks. It especially does not mean putting up a false image in order to be "popular". The value of your tribe is in how you, and your community, stays grounded and real. In this session we will discuss some practical techniques about "tribe-building", as well as some pitfalls to avoid.

Coach Davender Gupta is a "Venture Catalyst" and Business Leadership Coach who guides people with big dreams to power their vision from Passion to Profit. Come and join us to get some real insight as to whether the actions you're taking in your soul-o-preneur business is building you clientele effectively. Feel free to contribute questions & comments in the chatroom or call in 347-945 6963.