~ How to Successfully Balance Your Life, Manage Your Clients (and Business), and Keep Smiling Every Day
If you're a coach or holistic practitioner, or in the field of healing in some way, Ken Donaldson, author of Marry Yourself First fame, joins us to discuss what we need to do, to take care of ourselves, before we can effectively care of others.

His many clients have referred to him as a blend of Dr. Phil mixed in with Buddha and Salvador Dali. Marry YourSelf First!® was recently described by a fellow author as "Co-dependent No More" meets "The One Minute Millionaire."

Okay, so “they” come to you for “theirs” …where do YOU go for “yours”??
During this show you will:
· Discover the simple steps to generate more balance (and fun!!) in your life!
· Uncover the energy to re-vitalize your life and business!
· Recover and permanently reconnect with your youthful energy!

Gosh I know I want some of that! :)

Join us for a juicy discussion, by accessing the show through your computer, or by calling in on 347-9456963 Press 1 on your keypad to ask any burning questions.