The Enneagram is the most amazing tool to  discover what makes you and your clients tick.  Imagine if you had more understanding of why a client or friend is a certain way - and how you might support them better through more understanding, compassion and tolerance.  The Enneagram is an personality assessment tool, that reveals insights regarding 9 personality types.  It incorporates many different mystical aspects and spiritual insights as well as incorporating research from more traditional scientific origins. 
Dr Jeanine Austin is an expert life coach and hypnotherapist, who excels in this topic and joins us to share her insights of this fabulous tool.
So if you, your clients or friends have strengths or challenges or blindspots that continually crop up and you would like more understanding to know how to move forward and indeed just create an awareness for yourself, join us for this really interesting show.
To find out more about the Enneagram and the Numbers discussed, Dr Jeanine Austin has made YouTube videos on each number - here is a link to get you started: