Do you KNOW you are meant to make an even bigger difference, but something is standing in your way and you can’t quite put your finger on it? Do you feel an immense amount of stress and pressure in your life and often say to yourself ‘there just must be an easier way’? Then you are a Tsunami Maker™- a person of heart and integrity who wants to make an even BIGGER difference in the world by IGNITING your Tsunami Maker™ cells.  Join us to hear Wendy Yellen - international speaker, mentor, and writer. She is one of the world's top facilitators of one of the world's top cutting edge, transformational processes: Eidetics
Are your passions and your dreams coming true — or are they still on "pause"?

Are you pushing and efforting because even though you "know" better, your business and personal successes aren't as BIG as you know they can be? Is your soul aching for more?

If you know exactly what I'm talking about here, from your own experience that feels all too up close and personal, then please join us for a very special, experiential radio show!