So many are finding it difficult to create income in their helping and healing businesses.  
The sweet spot that creates amazing financial success.  That sweet spot is also about your relationship with money
Is that you?  Tired of the struggle? 
Sometimes we're repelling income even when we don't know it! Even though we feel like we're doing all the right things in our business. 
Morgana Rae, author of Financial Alchemy:  12 Months of Magic And Manifestation, knows exactly what this is right.  There was a time, that even when she had clients - she only earned $100 in a month.  Now she has $100k months.  
She'll reveal her secrets to moving out of that place of lack into a place of abundance.
And she'll share steps that you can take to change your experience!
Make sure to set an alert (click on the little clock below the title on this page) so you get a reminder before the show goes live.  And make sure to put it in your schedule!