Our guest, author, celebrity coach, singing speaker, Keith Leon, also runs a self-publishing house for those of us who want to birth a book thats been bubbling.

I believe there are so many of us out there, who have a book in us! What are we waiting for!? Sometimes its not knowing where to get started, or the little voice saying 'who am I to write a book', or thinking that trying to find a publisher is going to be a nightmare! It doesn't have to be that way. Publishing your own book, can also not only be a way to put out your important message, but also a way to market your expertise, and earn credibility with your target market or your community. Have a look at a couple of books Keith has brought to life!

Join us for a fact-filled evening on how to start out in writing your own book, to the publishing and marketing of your book. And find out what the number one reason is,that people never get their book done? Some awesome information!