Are you a chaotic entrepeneur who wants to be a
conscious leader?

Are you a soulopreneur who wants to be a

Are you a soul-driven business owner who wants
your company to FLY?

It’s high time you stopped settling for results in
your business that don’t thrill you!

Tune in today for my guest, Master Business Coach,
Jeanna Gabellini, who teaches soulopreneurs to
leverage fun, systems and intentionality for
brilliant results.

Many people say there is no such thing as a magic
pill. Jeanna begs to differ. There is an ideal
solution for each and every one of your
businesses. Many times it only takes one shift to
get the ball rolling FAST towards success.

Here’s what you’ll learn today:

1. How to pinpoint the cause vs. the symptoms of
what is slowing your business progress

2. The simple truth - Where every soulopreneur
needs to start in the solution implementation

3. How to change your business attitude when you
feel like you’ve done it all before

4. How to let go of information and task overload
and get focused on the things that will truly
nurture your business into thriving mode

5. How to shift your money set point - this alone
could change everything about the way you operate
your business

Questions for the show? Send them to
[email protected] or call in live at
347-945-6963 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              347-945-6963      end_of_the_skype_highlighting.