Some thoughts post election:
I voted from Berlin, and I’m proud of that, even if my vote in New York doesn’t mean much.
I really expected Biden to win easily, so again I have to eat my words, as the election remains too close to call. Too much deja vu, for sure.
The Dems are pathetic. Regardless of what happens.
I’m not too worried about Trump’s wild authoritarian LARPing.
Leftists need to understand better why the’yre unappealing to average/swing voters. I wish we did more introspection and legit discourse about that, instead of demonizing our political opponents.

Some thoughts post election:

I voted from Berlin, and I’m proud of that, even if my vote in New York doesn’t mean much.

I really expected Biden to win easily, so again I have to eat my words, as the election remains too close to call. Too much deja vu, for sure.

The Dems are pathetic. Regardless of what happens.

I’m not too worried about Trump’s wild authoritarian LARPing.

Leftists need to understand better why the’yre unappealing to average/swing voters. I wish we did more introspection and legit discourse about that, instead of demonizing our political opponents.