Previous Episode: Vote Biden I Guess

Our modern political fight is full of tired slogans, ambiguous chants and outlandish demands. Let's get specific, and target a true enemy of the people: the war on drugs. This policy - American and global - unjustly targets minorities and the poor, it costs billions of dollars a year, and it infringes on the personal liberties of citizens. Insofar as the war on drugs aims to ameliorate the problem of drug abuse, it turns what is clearly a health issue, into a criminal issue, solving nothing. It in fact exacerbates the social problems it purports to solve.
In this episode, I expound on these main arguments against this stupid and wayward federal initiative: it is socially unjust, it is a fiscally irrepsonsible, it is antithetical to our sense of personal freedom, and it turns a health issue into a criminal issue.
This episode also appears on YouTube as a videocast. I recorded this (for the first time) in front of a camera:

Our modern political fight is full of tired slogans, ambiguous chants and outlandish demands. Let's get specific, and target a true enemy of the people: the war on drugs. This policy - American and global - unjustly targets minorities and the poor, it costs billions of dollars a year, and it infringes on the personal liberties of citizens. Insofar as the war on drugs aims to ameliorate the problem of drug abuse, it turns what is clearly a health issue, into a criminal issue, solving nothing. It in fact exacerbates the social problems it purports to solve.

In this episode, I expound on these main arguments against this stupid and wayward federal initiative: it is socially unjust, it is a fiscally irrepsonsible, it is antithetical to our sense of personal freedom, and it turns a health issue into a criminal issue.

This episode also appears on YouTube as a videocast. I recorded this (for the first time) in front of a camera: