Previous Episode: How to Heal Homelessness
Next Episode: On Age

It's ok to acknowledge mistakes - we all make them! I'm ok with embracing my regrets, and trying to use them to gain wisdom through accrued life experience. It's hard though, especially when obsesssing over every missed opportunity, every wrong turn in life while lying in bed at night... We don't make it any easier for each other, the way we scrutinize our social utterances, our trendy beliefs or angry rants - as if those momentary thoughts define each of us as people. Such a rigid, unforgiving world we live in. Do we need it?

It's ok to acknowledge mistakes - we all make them! I'm ok with embracing my regrets, and trying to use them to gain wisdom through accrued life experience. It's hard though, especially when obsesssing over every missed opportunity, every wrong turn in life while lying in bed at night... We don't make it any easier for each other, the way we scrutinize our social utterances, our trendy beliefs or angry rants - as if those momentary thoughts define each of us as people. Such a rigid, unforgiving world we live in. Do we need it?