On Episode 57 of Key Exchanges in the 901 I was able to interview two absolute rock stars in the industry and ended up having two of my favorite conversations that we’ve had on the show to date. 


Our featured partners this week are Black Tie Moving and Mid South Title.


Rhea Douglas with BHHS McLemore & Company is one of the kindest and most beloved agents that I’ve met in the city. Her path from educator to her brokerage’s top performing agent is remarkable, but late last year her journey was almost cut short as a medical incident left her without a pulse for 17 minutes. Luckily she has been on the road to recovery and her business is still thriving. You won’t want to miss her inspiring story.


Matt Lionetti with The Agency Toronto is one of the very best realtors in the world when it comes to social media content. His hilarious videos on Instagram have allowed him to carve out a dominate niche in the competitive real estate market in Canada’s largest city. He can be found speaking at conferences along side the likes of Ryan Serhant, Tom Ferry, and Gary Vaynerchuck. Our conversation led to great stories about the development of his personal brand and how he was able to truly be himself in real estate. 


As always our show is powered by The Jason Woods Home Loan Team and Sophie Sandlin Raines who are two awesome loan officers with Community Mortgage. 


To get in touch with Black Tie Moving you can call or text Scott Caulk directly at 901-218-5358 or check out their social media accounts by searching Black Tie Moving Memphis on Facebook or Instagram


To connect with Mid South Title you can visit their website www.gomst.com and to receive your two discount closing certificates send a text that says “Send Me Two” to 901-459-3005 that includes your name, email, and brokerage and they will send you two certificates for $200 off your next closing at Mid South Title. 


To connect with Rhea you can call or text her at 901-337-4004.


To connect with Matt search for his Instagram account @matt.lionetti 


If you need to connect with the show or reach Dane for any of your home insurance needs, you can email him at [email protected]