Season 5 is coming soon and we’d LOVE for you to help us celebrate our 5th anniversary. Key Change is a FINALIST in the Signal Awards for the podcasting industry!

We are up for 2 different awards: 

Best Music Show for our 4th season; and

Best Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Episode for “Telling Hard Truths”, an episode in our series following the commission, creation, and world premiere of This Little Light of Mine by Chandler Carter and Diana Solomon-Glover.

A panel of esteemed industry leaders will be judging the Signal Awards and YOU can help us win Listener’s Choice in both categories by voting for Key Change on their website. We’ve linked both of the voting pages in the show notes in the episode description in your app.

To vote for best Music show go to

To vote for best DEI episode go to

Voting ends October 5th, 2023. So please cast your vote as soon as you can!

And yes, you do need to create a sign-in on their site, as they are VERY serious about preventing people from spamming the ballot box.

We are honored to be recognized for the quality, the heart, and the impact of Key Change and Opera For All Voices. It would be the icing on our 5th anniversary cake to officially win a Signal Award!

Thank you, as always, for your support! We'll see you for Season 5 in January 2024.


Key Change is a production of The Santa Fe Opera in collaboration with Opera for All Voices.

Produced and edited by Andrea Klunder at The Creative Impostor Studios

Hosted by Andrea Fellows Fineberg & Anna Garcia

Audio Engineer: Kabby at Kabby Sound Studios in Santa Fe

Production Manager: Alex Riegler

Show Notes by  Lisa Widder

Theme music by Rene Orth with Corrie Stallings, mezzo-soprano, and Joe Becktell, cello

Cover art by Dylan Crouch

This podcast is made possible due to the generous funding from the Hankins Foundation, the Andrew W Mellon foundation, and an Opera America innovation Grant supported by the Anne & Gordon Getty Foundation.  

To learn more about Opera For All Voices, visit us at