Previous Episode: Prove It
Next Episode: He Watches Over Us

God chose Jesus, His Son, to make the greatest sacrifice mankind has ever known. The Son of God became a son of man, experiencing humanity in full as He was born, nurtured by Mary and Joseph, and ministered to and healed people He encountered.


The miraculous birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus is the foundation of our Christian faith. It is powerful to consider that our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ shared our human experience. 


Jesus was chosen by His Father to pay the ultimate price for the sins of all mankind, in order to save our souls for all eternity. None of us can fathom how it would feel to be in that position, but the Bible tells us in Hebrews that Jesus suffered anguish as He pondered God’s plan for Him. 


Hebrews 5:7 says, “During the days of Jesus’ life on earth, he offered up prayers and petitions with fervent cries and tears to the one who could save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverent submission.”


Jesus could have refused His calling, leaving us to bear the punishment for our sin, but instead, He obeyed His Father and gave His life in exchange for our redemption. What an incredible gift His grace is for us. 


Let’s pray. 


Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for giving your life in exchange for our sins. God called you to be born, live a human life, and die on the cross, and you obeyed your Father and gave your life for us. Thank you for loving us that much. In your name, amen.