Previous Episode: God Is with You
Next Episode: The Gift of God

Have you ever talked to someone who doubted the existence of God? Someone who says God couldn’t have created everything in our world? 


Watch that same someone stare in wonder at a mountain range like the Rockies, the delicate bloom of a flower, or a sunset on a beach in Greece. It’s pretty hard to deny God in such a moment. 


In fact, all throughout scripture, we’re told that God’s majesty is seen in our natural surroundings. He made everything. Literally—all matter. He created the conditions for a waterfall, the light of the moon and the stars, and the horses that gallop across a prairie. 


There’s infinite beauty in our world, and He made it.


Amos 4:13 says, “He who forms the mountains, who creates the wind, and who reveals his thoughts to mankind, who turns dawn to darkness and treads on the heights of the earth, the Lord God Almighty is his name.”


The Prophet Amos had seen the beauty of the land, from golden deserts to lush pastures. He’d also seen the power of God even in earthquakes and storms. He knew it was possible to worship God without limitations, and the splendor of nature He’d created. 


We have the same opportunity. Just stand in a favorite spot and meditate on the power and majesty of the living God. Take a walk in the fresh air to revive your spirit. There’s something healing about connecting with your Creator in a spot that highlights just how much beauty is in our world.


The next time you hear someone question the existence of God, or if you encounter someone who’s feeling a bit down, get them out in nature. Take time to soak it all in. Reflect on His wondrous works. It’ll have a positive effect.


Let’s pray. 


Father, thank you so much for creating a world that we can enjoy. We’re aware of you and know you made the lakes, and the valleys, and the mountains—all of it. You filled it with amazing animals and fresh air. We praise your name for all of this, Father. In Jesus’ name, amen.


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