Previous Episode: Keep Moving Forward
Next Episode: The Power of Gratitude

With the tech boom has come concerns that we are constantly under surveillance, or being watched. And maybe that’s not all a conspiracy theory. But no one in the world knows everything about us. There is still some privacy, some places we can go away from prying eyes.




Psalm 69:5 says, “O God, you know my folly; the wrongs I have done are not hidden from you.”


We know that we serve the One True God, the One that made everything we see. Part of His infinite knowledge is every single thing about each person. That’s a mind-bender and can actually seem a little scary, but ultimately it’s for our own good. If we mess up, He is there to restore us and heal our shame.


While others gather data on us that could be embarrassing, God wants only what’s best for us. He holds us up to the light of His righteousness, and that reality should be all the motivation we need to live holy lives.


Let’s pray.


Lord, we can feel very, very foolish in your eyes. But we thank you for the accountability you give us, for our own good. In Jesus’ name, amen.


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