Previous Episode: Scattered Seeds, Part 2
Next Episode: Remembering Redemption

What does it mean to be made in the image of God? What are the implications in our lives? What does it mean for evangelism? Listen as the pastors discuss.

Resources mentioned:
Easter Week in Real Time
Revival Documentary (DVD+streaming | streaming only)

A final quote from Wayne Grudem on the matter:
Every single human being , no matter how much the image of God is marred by sin, or illness, or weakness, or age, or any other disability, still has the status of being in God’s image and therefore must be treated with the dignity and respect that is due to God’s image-bearer. This has profound implications for our conduct toward others. It means that people of every race deserve equal dignity and rights. It means that elderly people, those seriously ill, the mentally retarded, and children yet unborn, deserve full protection and honor as human beings. If we ever deny our unique status in creation as God’s only image-bearers, we will soon begin to depreciate the value of human life, will tend to see humans as merely a higher form of animal, and will begin to treat others as such. We will also lose much of our sense of meaning in life.

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