Previous Episode: Binge Watch Episode One

During the shutdown many of us have turned to something that we usually keep for long weekends or vacations. Binge Watching! Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu all have thousands of hours of season after season of some of the most popular shows out there. Friday Night Lights, Parks and Rec, Bones, Greys anatomy, The Great British Baking Show, any season of Star-Trek are all “bingeworthy”. And binge we have! During this 8 week summer series we are going to “binge watch” the life stories of two major players in the Old Testament. Joshua who was the successor to the leadership of Moses and led Israel into the promised land, and Nehemiah whom God called on to rebuild Jerusalem after being in ruins for decades and without walls for centuries. Both Stories have heartache and loss coupled with victory and triumph. And both stories teach us about what a life of faith in God looks like in real life. Join us for Binge Watch: 6.7.20 – 7.26.20.