
Download the study guide: https://www.kensingtonchurch.org/mastermind-study-guide

Many of us have someone close to us who has or is struggling, but so many times we aren’t sure how to engage in a helpful way. Partner that with the stigma around this in our culture and it can start to feel very difficult. So how do we engage well?

How do we come alongside of our brothers and sisters who are struggling in this area and learn what it means to be a friend, ally, and support in a way that is both helpful and builds our relationships in a meaningful way?

During this message, we’ll talk about that tension, look at our scripture encourages us to share each other’s burdens, and talk about practical applications that we can apply right now to be present with one another.

Please be in prayer for this series. Pray for those who are struggling in this area that would see hope. Pray for those who are in relationship with people who are walking down this path that God would give them direction, patience and a supernatural love.


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