Hello everyone, and welcome to the BH Sales Kennel Kelp Blog Talk Radio Show! I'm your host, Grandpa Bill, Today, Grandpa Bill is going to be talking about the challenges of scheduling guests for any Talk Show Podcast.

As any podcast host knows, scheduling guests is one of the most important aspects of the job. But it can also be one of the most challenging. There are a lot of factors that can make it difficult to get guests on your show, and even more factors that can make it difficult to keep them coming back for return appearances.

In today's episode, Grandpa Bill is going to talk about all of these challenges. Grandpa Bill will discuss the impact of matriculated schedules, cyberspace, the internet, bad connections, phones, apps, and software on guest scheduling. And Grandpa Bill will offer some tips on how to overcome these challenges and schedule great guests for  MY shows and your shows.

Segment 1: Matriculated Schedules

One of the biggest challenges of scheduling guests is their matriculated schedules.

Segment 2: Cyberspace, the Internet, Bad Connections, Phones, Apps, and Software

Segment 3: Tips for Scheduling and Keeping Guests

#GuestScheduling #SchedulingChallenges #RadioHost #GuestSpeaker #TimeManagement #Cyberspace #Internet #BadConnections #Phones #Apps #Software #TurbulentWorld #NegativeWorld #ViolentWorld #LifeScheduling #BusinessScheduling