Grandpa Bill revisits what is part of one of my monikers

We do business differently

Dr Dustin Sulak and advancing studies on Ketamine

faithnoun 1 he completely justified his boss's faith in him: trust, belief, confidence, conviction, credence, reliance, dependence; optimism, hopefulness, hope, expectation. ANTONYMS  mistrust2 she gave her life for her faith: religion, church, sect, denomination, persuasion, religious persuasion, religious belief, belief, code of belief, ideology, creed, teaching, dogma, doctrine.PHRASES break faith with be disloyal to, be unfaithful to, be untrue to, betray, play someone false, break one's promise to, fail, let down, disappoint; double-cross, deceive, cheat, stab in the back, be a Judas to, give away; informal rat on, sell down the river; British informal do the dirty on, stitch up.keep faith with be loyal to, be faithful to, be true to, stand by, stick by, keep one's promise to, make good one's promise to.