Grandpa Bill preludes and  overviews my next in studio guest

Seph Dietlin

Human Potential Activator/New Thought Leader/Conscious Filmmaker and Content Creator/Certified Hypnotherapist/Intuitive and Intuition Teacher/Author and Energy Healer


Seph is a human potential activator and a new thought leader.  He is a conscious filmmaker, content creator, certified hypnotherapist, angel psychic medium, and energy healer.  

He is the author of the “Ascension with the Angels Tarot,” he facilitates courses and events designed to empower others to access higher levels of conscious awareness through communication with their angels and the quantum field of intelligence.  

As an angel communicator himself, Seph’s message focuses on their revelations and guidance for humanity in heralding the new earth (a collective conscious revolution) and the transformational process that humanity is currently experiencing.  

About Seph

In 2003 while at the height of a very successful real estate career in Southern California, a monumental personal setback caused me to call out for assistance from my angels.  What I assumed was a one-time experience was actually the catalyst for a destined full-time relationship with them that would become the center of my purpose and create a profound transformation in my life.   

#Energy Healing,#Abundance,#Conscious Living,#Transformation,#Psychic,#Alternative Health,#Wellness,#Hypnotherapy,#Emotional Intelligence,#Spirituality,